100th Anniversary of the 1918/19 Revolution in Berlin

© Kulturprojekte Berlin, Foto: Alexander Rentsch

This joint city-wide project brought the epoch-making power of the 1918/19 Revolution to the streets of Berlin.

In the winter months of 1918/19, Berlin witnessed a number of epoch-defining events. World War I had been lost and soldiers and workers had begun to protest against the military apparatus and the Kaiser, who would soon abdicate and clear the way for the founding of the Weimar Republic. Our aim was to convey the lasting impact of this key phase in German history to visitors at original historical sites in the city. Working together with 70 partners and a variety of formats, we bundled 250 exhibitions and events focussing on the formative events of 1918/1919 and their consequences from different perspectives. From 9 November 2018 to 18 March 2019, we implemented our own extensive programme for indoors and outdoors, allowing people to delve into the key events that took place 100 years ago.

A short video review of the events surrounding the “100th Anniversary of the Revolution”

© Kulturprojekte Berlin, Foto: Alexander Rentsch

100 years of revolution, 100 locations, 100 stories: we joined with 70 partners to transform Berlin into a walk-in history book.

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