100th Anniversary of the Bauhaus in Berlin

© Kulturprojekte Berlin, Foto: Oana Popa

For Berliners, the city-wide week of Bauhaus-themed events under the banner “bauhauswoche berlin 2019” was the highlight of the nationwide celebrations marking the 100th anniversary of the legendary art and design school.

Exactly 100 years after the founding of one of the most important art and design schools the world has ever seen, we brought several events in the capital together under one roof for a Bauhaus-themed festival week from 31 August to 8 September 2019. The programme invited visitors to celebrate in a manner befitting the Bauhaus with a series of multifaceted, experimental, transnational and radically contemporary exhibitions, performances, installations, lectures and workshops. Together with our partners, we conveyed the innovative design concepts and social visions of the Bauhaus to people throughout the entire city. The Bauhaus was founded in Weimar in 1919, and after Dessau, Berlin was the third and final home of the famous school. We bundled all of the individual projects created by numerous artists and organisations on a joint website, which made it easier for the 10,000 visitors to find their way around.

Berlin celebrated the 100th anniversary in an experimental, multifaceted, transnational and radically contemporary manner entirely befitting the Bauhaus tradition.

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