Culture Train

Berlin – Wrocław

Fully booked Friday (26 Jul)
Fully booked Friday (26 Jul)
© Alexander Rentsch


Attention! The Culture Train is fully booked on Friday (July 26, 2024) from Berlin to Wrocław. No more tickets or seat reservations are available for this trip.



Cultural Train Berlin – Wrocław

Experience a cultural train ride

The Culture Train offers an entertaining train journey with lots of culture on board as it heads for Poland’s third largest city, which could hardly be more culturally rich. From readings, concerts, karaoke or language courses to club nights: the diverse and multilingual cultural program offers something for everyone! This makes travelling with the Culture Train a memorable experience in more ways than one: on one hand, you can travel to the European Capital of Culture 2016 for a maximum of € 24,90, and on the other hand, due to the exquisite program during the journey you will definitely not get bored. The Culture Train travels from Berlin to Wrocław on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning and back again on Friday evening and Sunday afternoon.


Impressions from the Culture Train

Land Brandenburg
Berlin Allgemein (RGB)