Special stipend programme launched by Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Europe (in 2020)

© Kulturprojekte Berlin

Artists and curators were among the members of Berlin’s cultural community most severely affected by the restrictions associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, as a way of maintaining Berlin’s diverse and dynamic cultural landscape and providing a long-term support boost, the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe handed out up to 2,000 special stipends of €9,000 each to professional and independent Berlin-based artists. In addition, artists and curators who were dependent on help as a result of being prevented from carrying out their profession by the pandemic were also able apply for additional financial assistance.

The application process was organised by Kulturprojekte Berlin. It launched on 31 August 2020 and came to an end on 11 September 2020.

At the end of October, after the application documents had undergone a formal examination whereby all of the funding prerequisites and conditions had been met, the stipends were then allocated via lottery. Each of the artists who applied was sent either an acceptance or rejection letter in writing. The names of the stipend recipients who had been chosen were published on the application website www.stipendium.kulturprojekte.berlin  as well as in a press release issued by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

Please send all inquiries about the special stipend programme by e-mail to the Senate Department for Culture and Europe: Sonderstipendien@Kultur.berlin.de.

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