Kulturelle Bildung

TanzZeit / Club Oval
© René Löffler


Berlin’s museums have much to offer in the hot months of the year. The cultural highpoint of the summer in the German capital is the Long Night of the Museums in late August.

Most of Berlin’s theatres and opera houses take several weeks off in the summer, prompting residents and visitors to turn to the city’s many museums for cultural nourishment, including open-air concerts, garden festivals, guided city walking tours and workshops. Our goal was to create a targeted campaign designed to communicate this multifaceted array of events as effectively as possible to local Berliners and tourists alike. From 2015 to 2018, the ‘MuseumsSommer’ campaign conveyed tips for weekend museum-related outings, invitations to exclusive after-work museum tours and suggestions for unique museum experiences in summertime Berlin. A dedicated website brought together and presented all of the associated events and exhibitions. In the four-year MuseumsSommer funding period, we enjoyed the participation of approximately 100 museums, including several unique and lesser-well-known ones in the countryside. Many of the almost 200 events that were conceived by the museums exclusively for the MuseumsSommer format were so popular that they are now offered on a regular basis.

One particular highlight was our open-air series “Film – Kunst – Museum” (Film – Art – Museum), which invited audiences to the courtyard of the Podewil building, where they could enjoy a relaxing “film night” in comfortable deck chairs with a bar close by.

Many of the events conceived by the museums exclusively for the MuseumsSommer format were so popular that they are now offered on a regular basis.

© Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Jule Roehr

Kulturelle Bildung

The Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung (Cultural Education Project Fund) we co-initiated with the Rat für die Künste (Council for the Arts) is one of the first initiatives of its kind in Germany and has been on course for success since 2008.

The Projektfonds Kulturelle Bildung (Cultural Education Project Fund) was launched in 2008 by the Berlin House of Representatives and sought from the very beginning to use groundbreaking projects as a way of raising long-term political awareness for the key importance of cultural education among children and adolescents. We co-initiated this now highly established funding instrument and worked hard to promote, manage and provide it with content and administrative support over the course of ten years. In 2020, the project fund came under the auspices of the Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung (Foundation for Cultural Education and Consulting, SKWK). Until that transfer, roughly 200,000 young Berliners from more than 1,500 schools, childcare facilities and associations for children and teens participated in over 2,700 projects.

© Kulturprojekte Berlin, Foto: Gianmarco Bresadola
© Kulturprojekte Berlin


We co-created the ‘Kubinaut’ community platform together with the state association known as the Kulturelle Jugendbildung (Cultural Youth Education, LKJ). The platform creates a space for individuals active in Berlin’s cultural education sector to network and showcase their work. These online services also include partner exchanges for one-on-one encounters and media coaching offers. Since 2020, the platform has been jointly operated by the SKWK and the LKJ.


We continue to work together with our partners at GRIPS Theater, TanzZeit, ErzählZeit, TUSCH and TUKI to establish the Podewil as a key centre for cultural education in Berlin – with an impact and reputation that stretches far beyond the city limits. We regularly host national and international festivals, including the FRATZ and AUGENBLICK MAL! theatre festivals for young audiences. The PODEWIL is also the site of vibrant cultural exchange, including a wide array of discussions, workshops and conferences relating to questions of cultural education and networked science and practice.

100 Jahre Revolution; Berlin 1918/19. Performance der Gruppe Tools for Action. Foto: David von Becker
Foto: David von Becker
© Kulturprojekte Berlin, Foto: Gianmarco Bresadola


Von 2014 bis 2017 widmeten sich die Interventionen jedes Jahr einem anderen Thema. Das Besondere war die Verschränkung eines Tagungsprogramms mit einem künstlerischen Festival. Die Tagungen führte theoretische Diskurse und Best-Practice-Beispiele zusammen. Abends standen Musik- und Kunstperformances auf dem Programm. In der letzten Ausgabe 2017 ging es um konkrete Strategien, die Diversität in kulturellen Einrichtungen zu erhöhen. Das Projekt ist seit 2020 ebenfalls bei der SKWK angesiedelt.